Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hampton Moving Coil Preamplifier

 Components List  :
R1-5= 100ohm 1% 1/4W
R2-6= 150ohm 1% 1/4W
R3-7= 33ohm 1% 1/4W
R4-8= 12ohm 1% 1/4W
R9...12= 47Kohm 2W
R13-14=1Mohm 1% 1/4W
C1-2= 1uF 250V MKT
V1-2= ECC88 - 6DJ8
S1-2= DIL Switch
J1...4= RCA Jack
Some of the services today preamps using vacuum tubes still in their ability to deliver high-quality audio and unique colors when used with amplifiers. The vacuum tube preamplifier used in the musical instrument amplifier with tone control circuits In this connection it is of the coil wire applications, the ability to obtain high-quality signals and Equalization

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