The amplifier is very easy to get on the board, and an innovative tone defeat. Instead of completely disabling
the sound system, the massive de-sensitized, and they defeated a maximum range. This can be increased if desired, you can have two tone controls, the lifting of 10 dB and a cut and the other with a little help and very subtle 3dB cut - it is quite (surprisingly) a very small adjustment to how you need for day-to-day hearing.

Otherwise, the design is fairly standard, with a great advantage over other models that require virtually no cable. Download the source you want - I suggest you put a switch on the back of the cabinet, and an extension of the tree with the tree in front. This leads to a minimum of wiring and reduces the crosstalk from other active inputs.
Description of the circuit
The input stage is shown with a gain of 2 times (-6 dB), configure, and also acts as a buffer for the tone control. The tone control is a basic form Baxandall, but the addition of R117, 118 and 119 provides the flexibility and ease of reconfiguration, which is the traditional layout.
I have not seen before, this technique is used). As it is 100k, which limits the number of tonal control at a reasonable price + /-10dB. To increase further in section, R119 (R219 and receive) can be omitted. Conversely, reducing the value of a small area is also about 6 dB at 20 Hz and 20 kHz with 7.5dB at 22K.
Audio system (and overall) performance is shown in Figure 2 (in increments of 10% of the pot), and it seems that the midrange is not affected. This is contrary to most of the drawings, in which the control is aligned to 1 kHz, and is very audible in the media. For those who want to use the tone controls, I would suggest that both, with no tone controls are designed and in harmony with reality, minimalist design.
This is stolen material! Reproduction is not authorised !
simply coping from...Elliott Sound Products..Rod Elliott is respectable person.he publish his own schematics clear explanation with output simulations.more schematics got to Elliott Sound Products.
Really this is a stolen project of ESP!!! Shame!
dice qualcuno che e rubato! ,se fosse ha fatto bene!
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